
An oral history of the epic collision between journalism and digital technology, 1980 to the present

A project of the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy

An oral history of the epic collision between journalism and digital technology, from 1980 to the present

Aggregation vs. Creation

Volume 1:
CEOs, Coders, News Execs, Disrupters

News search allowed you to go and search for news and get not a single article, but a cluster of articles, and ranked based on aggregate editorial opinion at the moment. We launched an in house internal version of Google News which had 150 sources and a very simple UI. But it wasn’t until September of next year that we launched with 4,500 sources and we had to get images in.
Nobody in the media business was retail. They’d always sold their pictures to newspapers and magazines. They’d sold their wire services to newspapers. Their television was uplinks and reporters.
If you look across the spectrum from Financial Times, they have a whole bunch of different subscriptions to the Wall Street Journal, which I think has a $400 million digital business of which $200 million is subscriptions. There’s no question that people will pay for a good business oriented product. The question is, what does it look like? Is it just you get bonus material? Is it a meter? Is it a wall? We don’t know, but we definitely do have a very passionate group of people who are on the site all the time. If we can figure out a good way to give them more of what they want and charge a very small reasonable price for it, I think that model works and it will be important.

Explore more topics Vol. 1 

Challenges –A Quick Transformation

Volume 2:
Tech Journalists

I think Steve Jobs is looking up or down or whatever from wherever he is and laughing his ass off. Because he ruined everything. People are face-first in their screens all the time playing Angry Birds. We have just become so ridiculous.
Denise Caruso
I don’t think Google foresaw Facebook at all. I don’t think Facebook foresees whatever is going to take over Facebook.
Kara Swisher
I bought these phones, cameras six months ago and it’s obsolete. It’s also getting a lot more complicated and there are no manuals.
David Pogue

Explore more topics Vol. 2 

The Big Picture

For most of the 20th century, any list of America’s wealthiest families would include quite a few publishers generally considered to be in the “news business”: the Hearsts, the Pulitzers, the Sulzbergers, the Grahams, the Chandlers, the Coxes, the Knights, the Ridders, the Luces, the Bancrofts — a tribute to the fabulous business model that once delivered the country its news. While many of those families remain wealthy today, their historic core businesses are in steep decline (or worse), and their position at the top of the wealth builders has long since been eclipsed by people with other names: Gates, Page and Brin and Schmidt, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Case, and Jobs — builders of digital platforms that, while not specifically targeted at the “news business,” have nonetheless severely disrupted it.

Keep reading Vol 1. 

The Tech Journalists

A transformative wave washed over the world economy this past quarter-century and technology journalists were its chroniclers and front-row witnesses. Many, among the twenty interviewed, say a catastrophic disruption of the news business was to be expected. But they feel their warnings went largely unheard within their workplaces, a contributing factor to the industry’s late and ineffectual counter-efforts. In contrast to pessimism about the future financial underpinnings of their business, they’re optimistic about the outlook for journalism as new tools, audiences and approaches emerge and evolve.

Keep reading Vol 2. 

Browse Interviews
Huffington Post
New York Times
San Jose Mercury News
Wall Street Journal
Washington Post
East Coast
West Coast
Began Covering Tech
Before 1990 (inclusive)
After 1990
News Industry – Biz Side or Edit
Vol 1: CEOs, Coders, News Execs, Disrupters
Vol 2: Tech Journalists

Four veterans of digital journalism and media — John Huey, Martin Nisenholtz, Paul Sagan, and later John Geddes — interviewed dozens of people who played important roles in the intersection of media and technology — from CEOs to coders, journalists to disruptors.

Riptide is the result: more than 50 hours of video interviews and two narrative essays that trace the evolution of digital news from early experiments to today. It’s what really happened to the news business.

Read Vol. 1  
See interviews